Thursday, 19 July 2012

Back to work blues

Oh yeah!  Much rather be at home with Bernina! 

Time after work this week has been spent 'making' more blue fabric.  A little bit of tune-out to de-stress.  

See the blue and green string bin in the background? Because I've been rummaging, it looks as if there are more strings in there than when I started, it's overflowing now!

I used all the scraps left from piecing  the blocks to begin new string blocks, as well as working on the ones that are half done.  I think I have too many!  A little bit more to do to make some larger blocks.

I'm is using the fabric more economically, and making piecing quicker: when I pick up a string I keep using that string by adding on more string blocks and choosing one the right size for the end so there's no waste/silly offcuts left.  That's the benefit of having string blocks of different sizes on the go.

I have been looking up more blocks to make for this weekend too.

Without making the whole thing look too 'shirty' I am using up the small pieces from the charity shop shirts I bought  a couple of weeks ago.

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