Sunday, 28 October 2012

Spooling around the internet

I found a free pattern-by McCalls, called called spinning spools
I am looking for a format for a leaders and enders project from my stash, that will STAY as that and not get overtaken as the primary!
There are quite a few free patterns on this site.

I found this one with a good tutorial at BeeInMyBonnet blogspot.

It's standard,but a bit fiddly with triangle cutting needed for my liking as I want to grab the stash and move. 

I like the selvage idea from aroundtheblockdesigns
but I don't have the selvages separated, they are  in the general string bins.

I'm going to go with a log cabin type design, as I have buckets of 3 1/2 inch squares cut that will work.  I may have to cut the 1 1/2 inch dark spool tops but there could be enough darks in the bin.  I will only have to cut cream/light background with any luck!

I'll try one or two out later..........

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