This causes difficulties when you are also blessed with an enquiring mind and the practical attention span of a blue footed booby.
Earlier on the year I listed over 30 ideas and WIPs and UFOs (yes, I am making a distinction there it makes the whole mountain of things easier to comprehend!!) The total is now at 'around' 35, with not one item finished this year.
I have used 'development as a quilter' as an excuse to 'just try this'' most of the year. I have done that twice in the space of 10 days!!!
I started a little bit of crochet for the tactile quilts and 'tried' out the tile log cabin technique this week.
I have seriously defaulted on my commitment to finish the had quilted wedding quilt. That's really bad news.
So. Deep breath. I will not begin another project this year.
No wait. That's not enough.
With so many begun, I can faff about for the next three years and not finish anything. 'Completion' has always been an issue for me and I can never work out whats at the root of that.
Regardless, I need to master it!
- I will buy no quilting fabric for one calendar year. IGNORE THE SALES!!! THERE WILL ALWAYS BE BARGAINS!! (Notice I have left an opt-out here, with regard to charity shops!)
- I will work on on one machine project, one leaders and enders project (bow ties) and one hand pieced project at a time unit they are finished and gifted or in use.
- The first hand sewn project will be the wedding quilt.
- The machine project is moth in the window.

6. A colleague at work encouraged me to commit to three finishes by the end of March. That's my first target. On my birthday I will re-asses.
7. I'm going to add to the list: I will not buy any books for one year, charity shops or otherwise!
Just has a skype call with my son in the far east and I told him if he catches me buying fabric this year I'll give him £50 .His response? I'm quids in then! I thought you were supposed to support addicts, not tell them they will fail!
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