Friday, 27 April 2012

Number 27.

I have come up with a project for my scrap strings that involves a little more planning than the usual random  'grab it and sew it design' like Spiders Web, so this has to go on the list too. With all I have to do already I will forget about it if I don't document the thoughts here!  I was looking through my books yesterday and found this gem that I sourced from a charity shop for £1.50 a while ago.  I  think it's out of print in the UK but is available in the US from the authors website, link below.

I did a quick pencil sketch to lay out a landscape design using one simple block that you can see the detail of here on Margaret J Miller's website.  When I have done some colour sketches  I will post them.   I can't photograph the six boxes of strings I have to use (plus another big bag yet to be colour sorted) as they're in the spare room under a lot of 'stored' items!

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