Saturday, 14 April 2012

UFOs-so what am I doing WRITING about them!!! (I make it 20)

My "TO DO" list with a dictionary for the uninitiated

Flimsy~pieced quit top ready for layering
UFO~un-finished object
orphan block-leftovers from other projects

  • two double English paper pieced hexie flimsies, made from recycled scraps: waiting for layering and quilting for 10 years!

  • random hexie

  • rainbow hexie

  • Darwin's flower garden hexie for son and daughter in law

  • two Judy Martin patterns that are cut and part pieced-this one I will leave till last as its frustrating me!

  • two quilts to be layered and machine quilted for gifts I should have done weeks ago! This has to be high on the list! Sneak preview only ...

  • a spiderweb curtain flimsy that needs borders and  lining for my work area

  • a spider web quilt flimsy that needs borders and quilting to go with the curtain
  • a set of Bonnie Hunter blocks that need to be assembled for quilting 
  • the hand sewing project that I can probably make three quilts from the cut blocks with, as I got carried away with cutting the uglies up

  • the half finished cutting session I started as I needed more variety of creams for the above!  First on the list I think, then I can clear away
  • the 9 patch blue leaders and enders project that I'm cutting extra 2" squares for with the creams above

  • a pile of mending!
  • 1/2"diamond English paper piecing-this is LAST on the list!

  • baby's block paper piecing

  • and looking through the blog pictures to re-post, I realised there are two more-first, a set of pieced crumb blocks that will be a very heavy quilt or a curtain as they have been pieced on to muslin
  • and these

Oh good grief.  It's worse than I thought, but not worse than some, I know from reading other blogs!

OK, cutting today, then clear away.   I can not possibly justify the hour or so it would take me to find the things I don't have pictures of and upload them, but I will do it as time allows and I come across the bags!

Then of course there's:
  • all the cut strips and blocks to use up

  • all the strings to use up

  • all the crumbs to use

  • the cathedral window quilt to plan and cut

  • the orphan blocks to find a home for

ok, bye!

Oh, and another thing.  Someone said yesterday they never knew where they were with me.   Very perceptive, as I clearly don't know where I'm at myself!

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